Erogenous zone – the human body part, sexy colorful effect, you can get the executor arousal. Erotic ladies to own large amounts of similar points, in different places. The thing about men, most of them have a very superficial view. I feel so bad because real women and ladies preparation is not a sexual relationship only after dating these "saints" such as.

Touching must be true. The female body are arranged so that if you touch them wrong, such a bad touch. What the Holy buttons (erogenous areas) ladies, what do you do with them?
Ladies how to find a sacred spot to erogenous
The most exciting find men easier to "buttons" to make the perfect conditions for complete relaxation of body if a woman's partner. However, before you will need it later to find them using a soft touch and kisses. In principle, for this purpose town the erogenous both partners. A man you find, Review, partner or more body regions. The same tip you have to give a partner a lady, in which the body of the plot to possess the greatest sensitivity.
They should stop, just so erogenous areas and fields and made both men and women (breast, cervical, genital area). Finding a sacred button, the body of the woman almost all fields. They lady fingers the hair follicle begins and ends. All the sacred points are connected to each other. An experimental binding issues by watching by hand or by tongue, maybe even sad and new exciting places. Only give them enough to pay attention. The jobs men and encourage them in every way possible consent should certainly miss. Smoothing yourself and kiss her where I want her. When the body will manifest ladies, new point, an absolute truth is sensitive they just own exciting mistress "pioneer". Most importantly, to work with them and the right excitation data points only one of tender appeal.
The most famous "woman": the language sponges and lobes of the ears, around the collarbone and about John nipple (breast). The vagina and the clitoris, around the abdominal area, groin, belly, neck, hip, area under the area under the wings, knee, and lumbar region, also inner thighs and upper third of the hip part (the outer part) – this is also erogenous zones.
Primary, secondary catalysts
Touch. All sensitive erogenous zones of women body constitute the catalysts from nature as their own the primary. Some ladies own such as some complex, other selectively. Together the primary and secondary point from a sacred, open, equal, together, is an experience. In fact they usually monotonic response all fields and it is placed the effect is different. Confirmed, all the erogenous points of a positive response Oper. Remember that the sponges touch the different plots, especially single female body, especially the noisy love is special. Can be an erogenous zone, elbow, heels or even dear. The total estimated effort looking for them because we need the points, erogenous of luxury – a unique and unforgettable sex.